Why Choose Us?

At Intake Talent, we firmly believe our approach to recruitment is what sets us apart from other agencies.

We’re driven by our core values to inspire, empower, educate and collaborate. We only work with businesses with values that we respect and align with ours.

Providing the best service to our clients, means providing the best service to our candidates.

We don’t use a stagnant database, blanket sweep, or square-peg-round-hole approach to matching candidates with roles.

Active listening is a key part of our mindful recruitment, strengthening our employer / candidate relations, and building mutual trust.

Our experience has proven that early careers talent can flourish and thrive in apprenticeships, which is why we champion them so strongly with employers.

We see beyond GCSE grade values in helping young people get their careers started.

We provide the advice, support and advocacy so often lacking in careers services.

Our recruitment process has built-in mentoring available to candidates, and strategic transformative growth for employers.