Parents & Carers

Intake Talent is passionate about supporting young people entering the workplace. Our mission is to help people navigate the brilliant world of apprenticeships and the incredible opportunities they offer.

We understand that parents and care-givers feel under pressure to give the right advice on post-16 careers options, when often it can be a confusing and indecisive time for recent and imminent school leavers.

We also recognise that for many young people there is a lack of viability to higher education establishments like universities. This generates a high demand for alternative options which is why we are dedicated to empowering the next generation through apprenticeships.

For apprenticeship candidates who register with us, we offer:

  • An introduction to apprenticeship programmes and how they work

  • Mentoring and assistance with application processes

  • Widening their career options by understanding their transferable skills

  • Help with CV writing and the benefits of LinkedIn

Parents and carers looking to better their understanding of apprenticeships in order to support young people’s choices can book a 15-minute free telephone consultation with us.